Why do we find it so hard to forgive ourselves? Why do we find it so hard to love ourselves?
Why do we judge ourselves so harshly and seem unable to let go of our self-judgements, blame and guilt? No matter what has happened, whatever you've done or not done, it is possible for you to come to a place of peace, release and self-acceptance inside yourself. Join me in this practical and experiential workshop into the heart of self-forgiveness. Here, you will discover the essential art of self-acceptance - the key to positive mental and emotional wellbeing...
This is a safe and powerful way of returning to a place of peace inside your own heart, about yourself - in this guided experiential "journey". Come and discover for yourself - begin the new year afresh - I'll even offer a money back guarantee if you don't feel as though something has shifted for by the end of the session - so the only risk you take is 90 minutes of your time. Click the link below to save your space: |
Self-Forgiveness Field Masterclass
hosted by Barbara J Hunt - author of Forgiveness Made Easy SUNDAY 23rd FEBRUARY 2025 7pm-8:30pm UK / 11am-12:30pm PT / 2:00pm-3:30pm ET / 8pm-9:30pm CET You are invited to make an integrity offering for this class. Suggested minimum is £15. My New Single - Wake Up As One
This is my heartfelt call to us as One humanity that we awaken to our true nature and to the interconnectedness of all things.
To listen/favourite/add to playlists /follow on your favourite streaming service. For more new about my music - please join my MAILING LIST |
I've been hosting on-line Forgiveness Field Masterclasses once a month for over two years. This is a practice space. An opportunity to not just better understand forgiveness, but to experience it for yourself.
My view is that it's so rewarding and worthwhile to work through both the current relationship and life challenges we have, but also those significant events in our lives that happen in our childhood. Even positive things that happen like the birth of a new sibling, or going to a new school can also be challenging.
Our current circumstances may be equally challenging - we may have difficult relationships with colleagues or bosses, with extended family members, in-laws, ex-partners, our kids, our governments, the decisions that are made in our world that we disagree with, even helicopters. I'm not being facetious about that - I have personally done forgiveness work on being blighted night after night just as I was falling asleep, by helicopter training happening very near to where I live... I can attest to the transformational power of forgiveness - because of course it didn't change what was happening, but it significantly reduced my angst, my stress levels and helped me
No-one escapes the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" and the events which happen to us which are beyond our control. But having a way of working through these incidents can be life-changing. In the realm of your imagination:
"You can solve the past in the present as far as the emotion systems are concerned." Dr Paul Conti
You can have conversations with someone who is no longer in your life. You can say the things that never got said at the time. You can resource yourself with powerful qualities that have the potential to change the outcome of a situation. You can see new perspectives and glean new insights. You can bring people together who might never have met. You can glimpse into new possible futures. Your imagination is the Forgiveness Field - where:
Out beyond ideas
of right doing
and wrong doing
There is a field
I'll meet you there
Anything is possible. Even forgiveness itself. I never insist that anyone forgives (despite my enthusiasm and passion for this subject and the possibilities that exist on the far side of the field) but in the process of moving towards forgiveness, you automatically develop deeper understanding, compassion, freedom and new perspectives around your own motivation and relationship with your ego, resentment, grievances, anger, guilt, blame. It truly is a profound inner-exploration worth doing.
I teach forgiveness as a secular-ethics practice where you don't need any kind of faith, belief or creed, but I also believe it is a master spiritual practice - right up there with meditation, because of what it requires of us; authenticity, humility, willingness, courage, strength, compassion, insight, and what it gives us; liberation, transformation, healing, completion, a sense of release and wellbeing, and the elixir of a peaceful mind and a peaceful heart.
So if you are feeling that you are still troubled by something that happened in the past and you wish to release the pain, the patterns, the anger, guilt, grievances, resentment and anything else you're holding onto, the next Forgiveness Field Masterclass practice session is coming up next weekend:
This is a safe space to work with the tangles, knots and challenging dynamics of old built up resentment in the relational field.
We do a little reflection at the beginning of the class and I'll talk about the particular theme we're addressing each month, and then guide the whole group through the whole of my Forgiveness Made Easy process. It's an experiential guided visualisation. We work mics off - so you have the privacy of your own space, but together in the transformational and supportive field of the group.
Forgiveness work, imho, is the deepest, most profound most difficult personal / spiritual / mental & emotioanl wellbeing practice that there is. It's a master leadership practice. Or an essential secular ethics and master relationship practice, if you prefer.
Whichever way you look at it, forgiveness is a practice that can seemingly miraculously transform your relationships. It's also good for your physical health. And ultimately, the only way we will resolve inter-personal conflict. If you hold a vision of harmony in your home, your workplace, your family, your community, your country and your world, learning the art of how to forgive, will be transformational.
Just like a yoga or pilates practice that keeps your body strong and supple - a forgiveness practice does the same for your heart, your mental and emotional health and your relationships. It's also just like meditation - not a one-off, but something you learn and then practice frequently.
For more info - click the link below to sign up to the class.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Forgiveness means letting go of the grievances you've been harbouring in your heart.
It's NOT condoning unacceptable behaviour
It's NOT letting someone walk all over you
It's NOT about reconciliation
It's NOT for the other person
You are the primary beneficiary of your forgiveness.
But, if you believe we are all interconnected, you letting go in your own heart, adds to the "forgiveness field" - the resonance of love that says, "I will not hate or resent you for what you did or didn't do."
What is the FORGIVENESS FIELD? It's a non-spiritual, non denominational, secular ethics, non-judgemental, space where your shadow is welcomed. You can admit to your anger, hate, grievances, pettiness, guilt, pain, shame and blame. Then let it all go.
What is a FORGIVENESS FIELD MASTERCLASS? It's an on-line Zoom masterclass, where you can practice forgiving something or someone. A bit like a yoga studio or martial arts dojo, you come, you do your practice, you return another time. You keep practicing.
What happens in the FORGIVENESS FIELD? We gather together on Zoom. First there's a little theory. I give anintroduction about what forgiveness is and isn't and you'll have the opportunity to reflect on who/what you'd like to forgive. We'll discuss the many reasons why we find it hard to forgive: why we seem to prefer resenting someone to forgiving them. You'll have the chance to discover why you may have been holding onto your resentment for so long. You'll also be able to reflect on the many downsides of the burden of resentment and unhealed grief, in a way that will help you to choose to let it go. Then the second half is the PRACTICE part. I'll guide the whole group, mics off through the whole of my FORGIVENESS MADE EASY process.
This means you work on one resentment - nothing too traumatic as this is a practice space - but something you know you really want to release. We work mics off, so you can participate in the "active imagination" process, by speaking aloud when guided to, without fear of being overheard. This is where you "pour your darkness into space" (Kahlil Gibran) The muck that fertilizes the forgiveness field. Then the flowers of forgiveness can bloom.
If you don't believe that you can forgive years of resentment in one session, others who've participated say:
“I have taken part in Barbara's forgiveness sessions several times and can confirm that each time I was able to shine light into dark pockets of resentment, that 40 years of meditation (in the Tibetan tradition, therefore including tons of meditations on love and compassion), many different types of therapy and shadow work, and lifelong inquiry of my opinions and intentions did not reach.”
"Oh my goodness what a huge time that was and so powerful but gentle and I am going to use the word 'easy' but it's probs not quite the right description. Thank you. I dissolved something that had been an unrelenting source of self yuk for years. Thank you so much and as always your clear explanations, understandable directives, compassion and enthusiasm shone brightly and helped me through. EVERYBODY needs to do this work and if I ruled the universe they would!" "Honoured and blessed to have been part of your wonderful forgiveness circle."
"Barbara you are a genius of the heart. Your different levels of awareness and wisdom are astonishing. So deeply grateful for your time and support."
"I felt very held and supported during this powerful workshop. I was struggling to say out loud what I needed to say to my mother especially after all the years of repression and shutting down, but I was grateful for your encouragement to continue to speak out loud." "
"Barbara your workshop was powerful, intense and supportive. Your gentle voice helped to keep me grounded and present during the forgiveness circle which helped me to connect with the compassionate parts of myself. I loved how you included imagery - I found this to so helpful in making the whole experience come alive."
If you can't come to this Masterclass, find out when the next one is:
Sign up to my mailing list and get TWO free chapters of my book:
Or buy my book here:
Forgiveness means letting go of the grievances you've been harbouring in your heart.
It's NOT condoning unacceptable behaviour
It's NOT letting someone walk all over you
It's NOT about reconciliation
It's NOT for the other person
You are the primary beneficiary of your forgiveness.
But, if you believe we are all interconnected, you letting go in your own heart, adds to the "forgiveness field" - the resonance of love that says, "I will not hate or resent you for what you did or didn't do."
What is the FORGIVENESS FIELD? It's a non-spiritual, non denominational, secular ethics, non-judgemental, space where your shadow is welcomed. You can admit to your anger, hate, grievances, pettiness, guilt, pain, shame and blame. Then let it all go.
What is a FORGIVENESS FIELD MASTERCLASS? It's an on-line Zoom masterclass, where you can practice forgiving something or someone. A bit like a yoga studio or martial arts dojo, you come, you do your practice, you return another time. You keep practicing.
What happens in the FORGIVENESS FIELD? We gather together on Zoom. First there's a little theory. I give anintroduction about what forgiveness is and isn't and you'll have the opportunity to reflect on who/what you'd like to forgive. We'll discuss the many reasons why we find it hard to forgive: why we seem to prefer resenting someone to forgiving them. You'll have the chance to discover why you may have been holding onto your resentment for so long. You'll also be able to reflect on the many downsides of the burden of resentment and unhealed grief, in a way that will help you to choose to let it go. Then the second half is the PRACTICE part. I'll guide the whole group, mics off through the whole of my FORGIVENESS MADE EASY process.
This means you work on one resentment - nothing too traumatic as this is a practice space - but something you know you really want to release. We work mics off, so you can participate in the "active imagination" process, by speaking aloud when guided to, without fear of being overheard. This is where you "pour your darkness into space" (Kahlil Gibran) The muck that fertilizes the forgiveness field. Then the flowers of forgiveness can bloom.
If you don't believe that you can forgive years of resentment in one session, others who've participated say:
“I have taken part in Barbara's forgiveness sessions several times and can confirm that each time I was able to shine light into dark pockets of resentment, that 40 years of meditation (in the Tibetan tradition, therefore including tons of meditations on love and compassion), many different types of therapy and shadow work, and lifelong inquiry of my opinions and intentions did not reach.”
"Oh my goodness what a huge time that was and so powerful but gentle and I am going to use the word 'easy' but it's probs not quite the right description. Thank you. I dissolved something that had been an unrelenting source of self yuk for years. Thank you so much and as always your clear explanations, understandable directives, compassion and enthusiasm shone brightly and helped me through. EVERYBODY needs to do this work and if I ruled the universe they would!" "Honoured and blessed to have been part of your wonderful forgiveness circle."
"Barbara you are a genius of the heart. Your different levels of awareness and wisdom are astonishing. So deeply grateful for your time and support."
"I felt very held and supported during this powerful workshop. I was struggling to say out loud what I needed to say to my mother especially after all the years of repression and shutting down, but I was grateful for your encouragement to continue to speak out loud." "
"Barbara your workshop was powerful, intense and supportive. Your gentle voice helped to keep me grounded and present during the forgiveness circle which helped me to connect with the compassionate parts of myself. I loved how you included imagery - I found this to so helpful in making the whole experience come alive."
If you can't come to this Masterclass, find out when the next one is:
Sign up to my mailing list and get TWO free chapters of my book:
Or buy my book here:
What fascinates me the most about forgiveness is three things:
Ultimately, the primary beneficiary of your forgiveness is always you.
But the truth is, your forgiveness is also an act of amnesty for the whole of humanity. Peace in your Heart = Peace in your Home Peace in your Home = Peace in the World. Everyone is welcome. There is a minimum suggested donation of £15, but because we're about peace in every heart - you can choose what you wish to pay and for some of the masterclasses, like the one for International Peace, a percentage of the profits go to the amazing charity that I support: Loving Humanity.