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Next Forgiveness Masterclass
Forgiveness can be a challenging concept. What do we mean by "forgiveness"? What are the downsides of forgiving? Are there some things that are simply unforgivable?
In this masterclass, we will take a little time to explore the reasons why we can get stuck in our resentments. Even why we might wallow a little. It can be humbling to admit to ourselves that we might be getting some kind of benefit out of holding on. Writer James Baldwin on hate as a defense mechanism: "I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain." In the Forgiveness Field - it's a safe, held, guided space where you can face the true detriment of holding onto your resentments and staying stuck in the mud. When you understand what's been getting in the way of you setting yourself free (and it's not the "other person") then you can do the deep, sacred, profoundly liberating work of finding your way through to the other side - to the freedom and blessing of an untangled heart. To find out more: Forgiveness Field Masterclass
hosted by Barbara J Hunt - author of Forgiveness Made Easy SUNDAY 23rd February 7pm-8:30pm UK / 11am-12:30pm PT / 2:00pm-3:30pm ET / 8pm-9:30pm CET You are invited to make an integrity offering for this class. Suggested minimum is £15. When we do this work of forgiveness together, we create a more peaceful world - one heart at a time, starting with yours...
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have experienced any trauma around this person and would prefer to have individual support, please apply to work 1:1 with me instead via my website: www.forgivenessmadeeasy.co.uk Or just sign up below to join the Masterclass: This is a practical and experiential workshop on the master art of letting go, of coming to a place of peace of mind and peace of heart inside yourself about something that has been bothering you. It doesn't matter how long ago something happened, if there is still disquiet in your heart, you can work through it and find resolution, even if the person you have the grievance against is no longer in your life, or even still walking the earth. "You can solve the past in the present as far as the emotion systems are concerned." Dr Paul Conti This is a safe space to release your heart from old frustrations, unexamined beliefs, guilt, grievances, pain, resentment or stuckness from the past. “I have taken part in Barbara's forgiveness sessions several times and can confirm that each time I was able to shine light into dark pockets of resentment, that 40 years of meditation (in the Tibetan tradition, therefore including tons of meditations on love and compassion), many different types of therapy and shadow work, and lifelong inquiry of my opinions and intentions did not reach.” HH For further info about Forgiveness Fields and how they work, check out the video >>>> |
Free StuffFor more videos and free resources, please visit my YOUTUBE channel.
Or you can click the Free Stuff link above. For more info about what a Forgiveness Field is, please click the link or watch the video above. If you have experienced significant trauma, loss, betrayal or had adverse childhood events happen in your early life, you may benefit from doing a series of 1:1 sessions with me instead.
You have the option of three or six consecutive sessions, spaced a week /10 days or 2 weeks apart, with email support, and if relevant, notes and suggestions for futher resources in between the sessions. You can start with just one session to see if it's a fit for you. Please use the contact form to get in touch >>> |
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